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Notice of Changes to OSSRH Account Management⚓︎

We, the Central Team, would like to make our publishers aware of some upcoming account management changes that will occur on March 12th, 2024. Below, you will find information that will explain how these changes might impact you, depending on how you publish today. These changes are a part of our overall migration to a new account management system that will enable us to better serve our users and ensure the continued security of Maven Central.

Existing Publishers Who Publish Via OSSRH⚓︎

The following is a slightly edited version of an email that was sent to OSSRH publishers' emails:

If you are registered as a publisher with Maven Central’s or services, this notification is relevant to you. Although there are no immediate changes to how you publish, we want to inform you of a number of upcoming changes to your account. Currently, you manage your account credentials through On Tuesday March 12th, 2024, we are moving account management to a temporary service located at This should hopefully involve minimal disruption for our publishers. You will still use the same username and password to log in to the OSSRH instance, and should only need to interact with the new server when you wish to change or reset your account credentials.

Also, you will likely see information related to new OSSRH publishers registering via While this does not impact you at the moment, you should be aware that we are moving account management to a unified system across the Central Publishing Portal and OSSRH. We will communicate again before that takes place, to ensure that our users have a clear understanding of where and how they will be able to manage their accounts.

You may also have been impacted by the retirement of which you previously used for signing up for new namespaces and getting publishing support. We have transitioned to using the same workflow system used for our paid products. To generate a ticket, you can email Central Support. We acknowledge that, in doing so, you have lost some of the self-service functionality for requesting and being granted publisher access to new namespaces. We are working on restoring that functionality on The migration to a unified account management system we mentioned previously enables us to build integrations between the two services later in the year, such as displaying a user’s complete list of registered namespaces and allowing self-service migration to the Publisher Portal.

New Publishers Who Will Be Publishing Via OSSRH⚓︎

After Tuesday March 12th, 2024, any user that is registers to publish on an OSSRH service will do so by creating an account on This account must use a username/password rather than the social login functionality in order to be able to log in to an OSSRH server. Users will be required to email Central Support in order to have their account granted access to the OSSRH servers. Once granted access and provisioned on an OSSRH instance, users will be able to log in with the username and password they created.

Namespaces will be registered and verified via the Central Portal, rather than the current process of emailing Central Support and undergoing manual review. If the Central Publishing Portal does not yet meet the needs of a publisher, they can request that their namespace be migrated to an OSSRH service via a support request.

Although the new account management system will grant access to publish via OSSRH, users must configure their build software to perform releases with user tokens. This is a change from the previous system, which allowed users to publish via their login credentials. As this is against best practices, it is not something the new system supports.

Publishers Who Publish Via The Central Portal⚓︎

Users who are successfully publishing via the Central Publishing Portal should not expect any changes. In the future, we will provide the ability to merge accounts, so anyone who already has an account for publishing via OSSRH and an account for publishing via the Portal will be able to combine them into a single account that grants access to both services.