Generate a Token on OSSRH Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager servers⚓︎
Central Publisher Portal Publishers
This documentation is for publishing via OSSRH. For publishing via the Central Publisher Portal, please see the Central Portal token documentation.
You must generate a token to publish artifacts to the Central Repository via OSSRH.
Tokens are per-server
You must generate a token on the OSSRH server your are going to use for publishing. OSSRH tokens are per-server, so you cannot use a token generated on for publishing via, as an example.
- Go to the Nexus Repository Manager web interface where your project is hosted:
- This is likely or
- Select the Profile option in the yellow top right dropdown menu:
- This should open the Profile tab in the main window
In the Profile tab, select the User Token option in the select input field:
- This should navigate to the User Token view in the tab
User Token not found
In the case where you cannot find User Token in the drop-down list, please close the Profile tab and refresh the browser page. The User Token should become visible next time you try. This is a known issue in the Nexus UI.
Click the Access User Token button (you will need to reenter your credentials)
- You can now use that generated token in your publishing setup
<server> <id>${server}</id> <username>tokenuser</username> <password>tokenkey-dlghnfgh8+4LfXmg5Hsd8jd</password> </server>
More detailed information about the token's usage can be found here.