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Example URLs⚓︎

These URLs represent the search functionality available in the Central Repository. They will function only when requested by a modern, Javascript-enabled web browser. These URLs can be bookmarked and e-mailed. If you wish to call the Central Repository's search functionality programmatically, refer to the REST API Guide.

NOTE: Most of the URLs in this document have been URL-decoded for the sake of readability. They should work when pasted into a web browser, but you may have to URL-encode them to function when called programmatically.

URL Description|ga|1|guice Mimics typing "guice" in the basic search box. Returns first page of artifacts with "guice" in the groupId or artifactId and lists details for most recent version released.|gav|1| Mimics clicking the link for all versions of groupId " inject" and artifactId "guice." Returns sorted list of all versions of an artifact.|ga|1| Search for all artifacts in the groupId "" For each artifact, returns details for the most recent version released.|ga|1|a:guice Search for any artifactId named "guice," irrespective of groupId. For each artifact returns details for the most recent version released.||guice|3.0|jar Returns artifact details for groupId "," artifactId "guice," version "3.0," with packaging "jar." The packaging is optional, but the trailing "|" is not. Downloads a file at the given path from the Central Repository ( and its mirrors).|ga|1| Mimics searching by coordinate in Advanced Search. This search uses all coordinates ("g" for groupId, "a" for artifactId, "v" for version, "p" for packaging, "l" for classifier)|ga|1|c:junit Mimics searching by classname in Advanced Search. Returns a list of artifacts, down to the specific version, containing the class.|ga|1|fc:org.specs.runner.JUnit Mimics searching by fully-qualified classname in Advanced Search. Returns a list of artifacts, down to the specific version containing the class.|ga|1|1:35379fb6526fd019f33154 2b4e9ae2e566c57933 Mimics searching by SHA-1 Checksum in Advanced Search. You will need to calculate the SHA-1 for the file before sending the request to the Central Repository.|ga|1|tags:sbtplugin Returns all artifacts in central that are sbtplugins. An sbtplugin is defined as an artifact with a pom including the properties "sbtVersion" and "scalaVersion".|ga|1|tags:sbtVersion-0.11 Returns all artifacts in central that use sbt version 0.11|ga|1|tags:scalaVersion-2.9 Returns all artifacts in central that use scala version 2.9