Announcement of the End-of-Life Sunset Date for OSSRH⚓︎
The OSSRH service will reach end-of-life on June 30th, 2025. This coincides with the end-of-life date of the underlying technology, Sonatype's Nexus Repository Manager v2.
What Does This Mean⚓︎
If you have been holding off migrating to the Central Publisher Portal, now is the time to start your preparations. Please reach out to support if you encounter any issues with migration or require specific functionality that is present in OSSRH but not yet available in the Portal or listed below on our roadmap.
Going forward, we are prioritizing our development and support efforts significantly in the direction of the Portal. We will do our best to keep OSSRH operational and respond to OSSRH-related support tickets in a timely manner, however you may experience increased delays as we approach the end-of-life date.
In order to provide transparency on what the Central team will be working on between now and the above date, we wanted to share a high-level view of our upcoming roadmap.
Support for Gradle and Other Publishers⚓︎
Gradle support and support for other build tool plugins are two of the biggest feature requests we have received. Third-party support has grown to meet the needs of many Gradle publishers. We'd like to specifically thank JReleaser for being an early-adopter of the Portal and working with us to improve the API design.
In order to fill in the remaining gaps and to provide support for more obscure tools, we have rolled out an OSSRH Staging API service service that translates a subset of the Nexus Repository Manager 2 API into the API that the Portal provides. We will iterate on this service as we receive feedback from the community, so we encourage publishers to test it and let us know how it can be improved.
If you are a third-party plugin author that provides publishing capabilities to
Maven Central via OSSRH, we would request that you provide equivalent
capabilities for publishing via the Portal. Version 1 of the
API has been stabilized and will not receive
any backwards-incompatible changes. Any incompatible changes would be a v2
Once OSSRH is sunset, we will have more roadmap capacity to begin working on a first-party Gradle plugin. We are working with Sonatype's legal department to streamline the process of open sourcing Central-related plugins. This discussion is currently focused on our Maven plugin, but we intend to launch a first-party Gradle plugin as open source from day one.
Organization Support⚓︎
Support for self-service management of publishing permissions is another of the most common feature requests we've received. In the coming months, we will roll out new organization and namespace management capabilities. Organization administrators will be able to invite users to their organizations, add/remove them from namespaces, and view an audit trail of actions taken related to the organization. This functionality will only be available to publishers that are entirely on the Portal.
User Token Enhancements⚓︎
Improvements to the tokens used for publishing are another frequently requested feature. Over the next few months, we plan to roll out the following enhancements:
- Publishers can have multiple, named tokens
- Tokens can be scoped to specific namespaces,
s, orgroupId
combinations - Tokens can have defined expiration dates
We believe that these enhancements are a step towards providing a more secure experience for publishers.
If you have any questions, please contact Central Support. We expect to have a significant volume of support requests over the next several months as more projects migrate ahead of the sunset date, so please bear with us as we process the requests. We will work to ensure that this migration involves as little friction as possible. We appreciate your efforts to migrate to the new publishing method early and we look forward to supporting your publishing to Maven Central for many years to come.