Update on Central Stats
The Central Landing Page⚓︎
One month ago, we launched this site, the Central Landing Page and so far, the community reaction has been nothing but positive. In the one month since we launched this site, we have seen:
• 5,042 Pageviews
• 3,938 Unique pageviews
• 50-200 Pageviews per day over the past two weeks
• 2 minutes Average time spent on wach page
as well as a significant reduction in problems from people deploying projects to Central.
Central Lives!⚓︎
Central is popular and growing. In 2013 we had:
Requests serviced: | 10,979,087,423 |
Total GAVs Available: | 590,631 |
New Org Signups (G): | 6,203 |
New Components (GA): | 36,998 |
New Component Releases (GAV): | 172,311 |
Some quick terminology:
- G is the group in Maven coordinates, like io.dropwizard. This is generally an organization or top-level project.
- GA is the group and artifact, like io.dropwizard:dropwizard-metrics. I.e. the component.
- GAV is the group, artifact and version, io.dropwizard:dropwizard-metrics:0.7.0.
Also note that the Requests Serviced only includes repo1.maven.org (and CNAMEs), not other parts of the Central infrastructure we host, like Search, OSSRH, or RSO.
OSSRH Activity⚓︎
All these projects on Central have to come from somewhere. This is easily illustrated with the increase of OSSRH activity and new project requests opened at issues.sonatype.org. In 2013, we had a total of:
3,219 Tickets Created
It took us:
121 Days to Reach 1,000 Tickets
114 Days to Reach 1,000 More Tickets
106 Days to Reach 1,000 More Tickets
The increasing pace of new project activity underscores the continued growth and importance of the Central Repository and the open source ecosystem it serves.
Central exists because of this community, and we need the community's help to keep Central awesome. Please spread the word and help grow Central! We welcome feedback about this site or about the process of getting artifacts into Central. You can provide feedback by opening a ticket on the Sonatype JIRA with any comments, questions, or concerns you may have.
In the future, we hope to publish quarterly stats about Central and OSSRH in order to keep you, the community, informed on what's going on inside of Central.