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What is different between Central Portal and Legacy OSSRH?⚓︎

I am considering migrating from Legacy OSSRH to Central Portal, and I would like to know the differences between them.


Publishing to Maven Central via the Central Portal and via Legacy OSSRH are two different methods: they use different connection endpoints, plugins and authorization credentials. More details can be found in our documentation:

How do I know if I am on Legacy OSSRH?

If you use or to publish, you are publishing via the Legacy OSSRH service. If you are publishing via a build tool integration, this might be configured as a default, so check the plugin's documentation to be sure, if you didn't manually specify a URL.

Your namespace(s) with access to Legacy OSSRH will not be displayed in Central Portal's list of namespaces. You will not be able to use Central Portal to publish a component under a namespace that you publish to through Legacy OSSRH, Neither will you be able to do the opposite, and publish using Legacy OSSRH with a namespace that you have access to on Central Portal.


SNAPSHOT versions should not be used to sync with Central Portal (for more detail on this please review our FAQ). If you wish for your artifacts to be available from Maven Central, you will have to publish a release version. Snapshots are supported in legacy OSSRH.


User tokens for the Central Portal use a different token system than OSSRH tokens. When migrating, you will need to create a new token for your deployment process.


Publishing through Gradle is also not yet officially supported in Central Portal. There are however several third-party plugins for Gradle that might be of interest if you wish to use Gradle.

Process to Migrate⚓︎

  1. Contact Central Support, using an email address that is associated with a known publisher to the namespace, after reading thoroughly through our documentation to assure you are aware of the difference and how to publish through Central Portal.
  2. Central Support confirms you own the namespace,
    1. If you do not own the namespace migration might not be permitted.
  3. Central Support will send you details about the migration and confirm you are ok to move forward with the migration.
  4. After receiving confirmation, migration will be done.
  5. Confirmation will be sent to you with details about the migration.